Tagged: HR leaders

Culture Amp’s Generative AI roadmap: Looking ahead

Culture Amp’s Generative AI roadmap: Looking ahead

In an evolving workforce landscape, Culture Amp leverages generative AI through a partnership with Google Cloud’s Vertex AI to enhance HR capabilities. By introducing AI-powered Comment Summaries, HR leaders can quickly understand employee sentiments...

Best 20 HR Podcasts of 2023

This post is originally published on mirro.io As the end of the year is rapidly approaching, you must be caught up in drafting budget provisions and outlining the strategy for the next year. There...

Digital HR Strategy: 6 Steps to Success

“Harness the power of digital and get your technology working hard for you to deliver exceptional outcomes for your people, business and customers” By Sonia Mooney In our post pandemic, disrupted, digital world, the...

HR Influencers: Laurie Ruettimann

Human resources is an ever-growing field, and it is more interconnected with all sectors. We have compiled some influential people in the HR industry based on some online lists of HR influencers, such as...