【LinkedIn】Lean Into Visual Content Creation on LinkedIn

With a 20% increase YoY in people adding visual content in their posts on LinkedIn, we love seeing new ways professionals are building engaging content through videos and images.

We want to make it even easier to create visual content that helps you stand out and inspire your professional community, so here are some new tools that we’re rolling out:

Add a Clickable Link to Images or Videos 

You can now encourage your followers to take further action on or off LinkedIn by simply adding a clickable link directly onto your images and videos to drive your audience to your website, an upcoming event, recent newsletter or other resources.

To add a clickable link, create a new post on mobile with an image or video, tap the “Add a link” icon, add your URL and custom link text, and post away. This will be rolling out over the coming weeks.

For inspiration, check out how our Director of Product, Jake Posesused a clickable link to lead his followers to this very article!

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Create Quick, Eye-Catching Posts with Templates

If you want an easy way for text posts to stand out in the Feed and grab your audience’s attention, we’ve built templates just for you.

Head on over to the share box or tap “Post” on mobile, and then tap “Use a template” — from there, you can easily create visually engaging content for your audience. Choose from dozens of customizable backgrounds and fonts, add your own text, and hit “Share.” You can even add a clickable link onto templates to encourage your audience to take action. You’ll begin to see this feature roll out over the coming weeks.

To see it in action, check out this post from Andrei Santalo, LinkedIn’s Head of Community Management, who used a template to gather input from his community on an upcoming discussion.

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Share Swipeable Content with Carousels (Coming this fall!)

We’ve started rolling out carousels, a new content format that allows you to mix images and videos to help your community learn in a digestible way. From step-by-step advice, to tips and tricks and industry trends, carousels can help you share content in a visually engaging, swipeable format. You can see carousels in your Feed today, and we’ll be experimenting with carousels to see how members engage with it over the coming months.

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It doesn’t stop here – we have more interactive tools for sharing content coming soon, so make sure you follow our LinkedIn for Creators to catch the latest updates, best practices, and inspiration. Please share any feedback/questions in the comments below — we’d love to hear what you’re excited about!


Published by  Keren Baruch

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